These blogs at times will contain controversial topics. I will at times be brutally honest in some of my opinions on these topics. This is intended to stir the topic, open debate, and get you to actually put some thought behind your opinions.

Ban Hunting Now

Before we get too far into this topic let’s set a couple thoughts.

First, this message is not intended to include sustenance hunting. Sustenance hunting is when hunting is to supply food when that is the only way to acquire food. Shooting an animal for sport and eating the meat IS NOT SUSTENANCE HUNTING.

Second, hunting is not a sport. The definition of sport is this: a game, competition, or similar activity, done for enjoyment or as a job, that takes physical effort and skill and is played or done by following particular rules. Sitting in a tree stand, or blind, or shooting an animal from a plane, or shooting an animal in a Canned Hunt IS NOT SPORT. IT IS A ACTIVITY FOR COWARDS!

People and government officials that participate and or promote Canned Hunting are the worst of humanity. These people are no better than sewer scum and deserve to be treated as such! These assholes should receive no sympathy or civilized consideration for their actions. I would be ok for turning them lose on a Canned Hunting ranch and letting them stand there to be shot!

Ok, let’s get started. In a civilized world there is absolutely no reason that someone has to hunt. In a conversation I once had with a hunter he tried to convince me that hunting is good for an animal population because it keeps the numbers down. That reasoning is ridiculous. I asked that same hunter if there were no issue with animal over population would he stop hunting. He had no answer for me! If hunters were harvesting old, sick, or injured animals that argument might have some validity. But as we all know, hunters are targeting the prize specimens. It is a documented scientific fact that harvesting the prize specimens of an animal population actually hurts that population. Taking the animals that have the best genes leaves that population genetically at risk.  Animals with inferior genetics are now repopulating the species. This will ultimately hurt that population. It also changes breeding patterns, natural behaviors, and social behaviors by putting undue pressures to survive on members of that population.

If hunters are so concerned about animal populations then they need to solve the problem with natural solutions, not killing. All too often humans resort to killing to solve a problem. Just stop the damn killing. Federal and State Divisions of Wildlife or Natural Resources are a major part of the problem. They sell hunting permits to justify their existence. These departments need to reevaluate their missions and stop interfering with wildlife. They call it wildlife management. The term Wildlife Management for these agencies is a polite way of saying “Support Animals So We Can Kill Them”. Wildlife does not need to be managed. People need to be managed. Wildlife will do fine if left alone.

If you think that you need to hunt then you need to take a close look at yourself! You need to find a new way to feel superior and boost yourself esteem! Your moral values are absent and you have no self respect. Wildlife is not here for you to murder so that you can show off to your friends. You DO NOT have a right to murder animals!

Nature is not a resource and if you believe it is then I suggest you reevaluate your philosophy. Nature is with us to be observed and cherished, not used and abused to suit the whims of people.

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